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During the current Covid-19 pandemic, for your safety, there may be periods of time where I will have to close the clinic in-line with Government directives. However, when able to practice, I would like to reassure all my patients that all my services will be delivered in line with the Government’s social distancing measures and in compliance with guidance from Public Health England, including the appropriate use of PPE.


Is my clinic safe following the COVID-19 outbreak?

I am working hard to keep you safe. The wellbeing and satisfaction of my patients is of the utmost importance to me. As such, I have put strong processes in place to ensure your visit is safe.


  • If I develop symptoms or test positive for the disease (or if someone I live with develops symptoms or tests positive), I will inform all my patients and rearrange appointments for when it is safe to see you again.

  • I have extensive experience with infection prevention measures and clinical protocols. Universal precautions will be taken throughout my clinic for infection prevention.

  • I will, at all times, be wearing appropriate personal protection equipment (PPE), including masks, eye protection and gloves.


Your visit

Your experience may feel a little different to previous times, but your treatment outcome will be of the highest quality as always and I will ensure your visit is an enjoyable one, nonetheless. As the virus will most likely still be present in our local communities to varying degrees for some time to come, to reduce the overall risks and limit your time spent in the clinic as much as possible, I will ensure where possible that most of the information I require is obtained ahead of your face to face appointment. In addition, where possible I will provide you with the necessary information and advice ahead of your visit.


  • If you, or anyone who lives with you, have symptoms related to COVID-19, please do not come to the clinic. These symptoms primarily include a dry cough and/or a temperature of 37.8°C or more. Other symptoms of the disease are less frequent but may affect you. These include a loss of the sense of taste or smell, fatigue, confusion, sore throat, vomiting and diarrhoea. However, I recommend that you inform  me at the earliest opportunity if you develop ANY symptoms of feeling unwell.

  • If you, your partner, or other person who lives with you, tests positive for COVID-19 on a PCR (Antigen) test, even if asymptomatic, please do not come to the clinic. The PCR test is the one in which swabs are taken from your mouth and nose.

  • When visiting the clinic, I would ask you to arrive no earlier than 5 minutes before your appointment time. Because of these new procedures in place, I may not be able to accommodate patients who arrive later than agreed. Should you arrive earlier you will be asked to wait outside, until it is time for your appointment.

  • Patients attending the clinic in person will be required to follow social distancing rules and whenever possible to keep the 2 metres recommended distance. 

  • To ensure the safety of everyone in the clinic, patients will be asked to come alone and for any accompanying person to wait outside. Should you need a person with you – for translation, mobility needs and similar – please confirm it at the time of your booking.

  • On entering the clinic, I will take a verbal update of your health and wellbeing.

  • Hand sanitisers will be available for you to use upon entry, both before entering the consultation room and on departure.

  • Patients will be asked to wear masks on arrival and when appropriate. Masks are available for you at the clinic should you require one.

  • Toilets will remain available and will be cleaned and sterilised after each use.

  • Robust cleaning schedules will be in place for all contact points to include door handles, light switches, toilets and other surfaces and areas.


Covid-19 FAQs

How do I book an appointment?

To make an appointment for a consultation at DC Aesthetics please call or text message to 07954 847470, use our online contact form or email me directly at​


Is it safe to have Dermal Fillers and wrinkle relaxing injections following COVID-19? 

I have put in place strict infection prevention protocols to keep you safe during your dermal filler and wrinkle relaxing injectable treatments. The risks of any treatment you decide to have will be thoroughly explained during your appointment. 


Covid-19 InformationCovid-19

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